Circolo Italiano di Wellington — Meet Italy! more news »

Our tutor, Virginia Listanti, has invited us to enjoy her recent trip to Sicily. Following the coastline, we will start and end our journey in Palermo – exploring Cefalù, Messina, Catania, Siracusa, Modica, Noto, Agrigento and Trapani.

Club News

Remembrance Day - Sunday 30 October 2022

10 October 2022

by Frank Basile

The Clubrooms will be open at 2.00pm and the Remembrance Liturgy will begin at 2.30pm. We are honoured to have Monsignor Gerry Burns, the Wellington Archdiocese Vicar-General, leading the Service. Following the Liturgy, we will enjoy tea, coffee and some treats. Copies of our history book "Alla Fine Del Mondo (To the Ends of the Earth)" will be available ($40 each, cash only, no EFTPOS).

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